Friday, October 5, 2007

pretty obsession

I'm BACK!!!!! And I've got some pretty pictures for you. :) (I'm kinda obsessed with pretty now... :P )

This is pretty...

This is pretty....

This is pretty too...


Yup yup, I just revamped my blog!! :) :) :) (When I should be studying and doing assignments... I'm so bad... no not really... :P )


Oh yeah... one more pretty picture...

this is the prettiest one of them all!!!!!



Okay maybe this picture is ALL THAT pretty... but it is to me!! Know why??? Cos in REAL LIFE, these are two of the prettiest girls I know, INSIDE and OUT!!! (Cue to go 'AWWWWWW.....') Hahahaha...

Okay that's it for now...

Nielle remember the pledge - POST AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK!!

Have fun in Aussieland. I will light a candle and say a prayer for you before your picture every night while you're gone.

(That sounds so stalker-ish...)

Okay la enough nonsense for one post... need to save up more for later, okay???


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