Saturday, April 21, 2007

MOLES! = )

Yup, moles. You can tell, quite clearly, which post inspired me to write about this. I'm sorry Ming, but it was Danielle's post. Ahahhaa! I don't know what I'm talking about.

Ok, back to the subject. MOLES! WHAT ARE THEY? WHY ARE THEY EXISTENT(existent. is that used correctly? forgive me if it's wrong. My england isn't very good)? I mean, they're just there! They don't add happiness, and trust me when I say this, they don't help you win the lottery either! I know that through... the glass! It's transparent *serious face*! I don't really think sexy moles(like PCK's) really are that sexy. I like those moles that don't stick out though. I have a number of those. Very nice. HERE! *points to a mole on the arm* it's nice right? Yeaah, I like it too. *puts on a very big smile*. Ahaha! Danielle has moles in the weirdest parts of her body. SO FUNNY! ahahaha! one on each cheek. THat's all I'm saying. = D Which cheek? I don't know! Aahahaha! OK, too much information.

Will stop now. Have to practice... THE dong-dong-chiangS! =)


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