Saturday, April 21, 2007

You will never know which cheek! Wahaha!

Anyway, the glass MAY BE transparent. But! Is it made in China? I guess we'll never know................................ *mysterious music*

Unless we ask the ginger bread man! Yes! The ginger bread man! For he knows all. Just like google actually! :) And maybe yahoo. You know why they named it Yahoo? Cos it makes you happy. If that makes sense lah! Ya ya go away la you. Go away. Just cos your name is Sally doesn't mean that you can be HER armpit hair okay? She's got sacred armpit hair. Very. Special.

You know.................................................


Hey. If we drink Crysanthimum (however it's supposed to be spelled) Tea. Does that mean we're drinking flower juice? So do they squeeze the flowers?

No. I actually seriously want that question answered please.

.. danielle and her two moles.

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