Monday, March 19, 2007

to daniel

i had such a horrible bobbible day today. i might as well be known as Bob forever. but, no, i'm not gonna post up lame lyrics of "Bad Day" by whatever his name is (forgot). because that'd be incredibly lame and because the world doesn't revolve around me (or so i've been told) (i've also been told that i'm BIG enough for the world to revolve around me. anway, we are straying. oh and i'm grounded for a month. =)

moving on...

Crystal and i wanna say...........

THANK YOU DANIEL!!!!!! (go to his blog)

for inviting us to see your very awesome possum band playy (yay Bus Company). =)

for fetching us home in your very nice orangey smelling car. =)


for coming all the way to my house to fetch us...


you came all the way only to be told, "we'll take a taxi there lah". feel so bad about that! sorry sorry sorry!!!

for paying for our drinks at Asia Cafe. heehee.

THANK YOU!!!!!!for just being who you are lah!

Danielle and Crystal.

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