Thursday, March 15, 2007

Why is this blog named "Funny Fart Bellies"

COs.. uuhh.. I don't know. but it makes me think about when my tummy is grumbling alot cos its hungry. sounds lke its farting. so I GUESS THAT MAKES SENSE! which reminds me, i eat less put on more. my sister eats more puts on less. which is lke a COW in the ZOO NEGARA!!!!!! speaking of Zoo Negara, don't even know if that's what it's called, but i don't think i've been ther before.. unless i was really young. Someone bring me there please.

Oh! I had something to say. but i forgot what it was. so nevermind. Eh, we should put a player here. aiya no need lah. my speakers aren't working anyway. which reminds me!!! oh nvm i forgot already.

This post doesn't really have a.. point *points at the sky* okay now it does! HAHAHA! not funny nevermind. Sigh.

danielle :)

i don't know how to use this blogger thing.

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