Monday, March 19, 2007

space camp is awesome


7.00 am - Go to CHURCH - 1st service listened to Landa Cope who was AMAZING! Super fascinating message.

9.30 am - MAMAK time! Advising Kathryn that looking for HOT GUYS from HOLLYWOOD to MARRY is a STUPID idea. She still doesn't get it. She wants to marry guys twice her age who cheat on their partners and get ogled over by other women. Sigh.

11.00 am - 2nd service - joined the high school ppl to watch their skits... super funny but more LAME than anything... and ISAAC RAVI's video was THE BOMB man!!! got lego, buzz lightyear, dinosaurs, transformers all... and then got special effects fire all... rocks wei.

1.00 pm - eat lunch with the JCworkers, then get into a DEEP conversation about GOD and LIFE and DESTINY and CHOICES and FREE WILL.... fuhhh... super deep and interesting wei...

2.00 pm - start practice! watch the jcworkers practice and chill...

3.30 pm - decided to chill in MV with brother and Bernard... nearly fell asleep in Coffeebean...

5.00 pm - back to church to wait for Danielle... Performing arts was doing a run through of the Easter play... and then ANOTHER ONE... it was supposed to end at six, or earlier...

6.20 pm - we are STILL waiting for the run through of the play to finish... and Daniel was supposed to pick us from DANIELLE's house at 6.40. So we decided to take a taxi there since the person who was supposed to fetch us home was still practicing...

6.30 pm - we managed to get a taxi and then halfway along the journey, we looked at the clock and realized we had NO TIME. so we decided to go straight to the Bus Company gig which was at Holiday Villa.

6.50 pm - arrived at Holiday Villa, went to the toilet to wash up cos we were all STINKY from being at church the whole day... and DANIELLE learnt something new about me!!! and we both had adventures in the toilet... heeheeheehee...

7.00 pm - BUS COMPANY does its opening act... but was quite mellow cos of the organizers ...

7.10 pm to 10.40 pm - sit on the floor waiting for bus company to play... cos of the organizers again... and they played one birthday song and some malay song...

10.50 pm - Bus Company did their closing act and really rocked out this time!!!!!!!!! Awesome awesome... Believe is still my fav song... whee...

11.20 pm - dinner @ Asia Cafe with Danielle, my bro and half the band...

12.20 pm - sent Danielle home!!!

1.00 am - Reached home!!! NEW RECORD!!! latest i've ever come home... llalaala... and parents didnt even scold cos i was so responsible and i smsed them tht i'd be back late... =P

Anyways, enough of talking... picture time!!!

The band on stage>>>

Daniel on the bass>>>

Sam on the guitar, lead vocalist>>>

Shaunnie rocking out>>>

The band on stage (the hot chick is Joni, Sarah's friend, who was playing keys for them last night) >>>

Daniel a.k.a. Chinaman

Shaunnie doing his thing>>>

Another shot>>>

LOVE YOU ALL!!! peace out! fartbellies forever...


pp/s - thank you BERNARD for entertaining us and taking us to MV

ppp/s - i had two packts of nasi lemak, half a plate of kamheong kai fan, one packet of chicken and siew yoke rice, and half a plate of thai friend rice YESTERDAY... talk about being a fan tong mann....

PPP/S - ultra big P/S goes to you, DANIELLE!!!!!!!!!!!! for being an AWESOME POSSUM friend!!!!!!!! I LOWE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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