Friday, March 16, 2007


Depression, a sudden PLUNGE into darkness. You go into this dark hole hole hole hole (echo). But one day day day day.. You see a light light light light light.. That leads to suicide cide cide cide.

Hahah. Okay that was depressing.

Anyway, I JUST DON'T SEE WHY WE CAN'T JUST GET A NEW CBOX! Sigh. It makes so much sense!

It's simple, easy, so FERGALICIOUS!!

And Crys, do they put Love Potions into the fillet o fish (which smell like BO btw) in McD's?? NO! So obviously it wouldn't be a trick, duh.

See, say Betty likes Thomas. But Thomas doesn't like Betty. Betty goes to Fairyland Services and gets a Love Potion. One day, while Thomas is eating his mushroom soup, Betty drops some of the Love Potion into his soup! And he drinks it and he "falls in lowe" with Betty. He didn't even LIKE Betty until he drank the Love Potion! So you see, it's the Love Potion that made him like her so it wouldn't really be his choice. Seriously, if Betty was this fugly (fat+ugly) girl with a HORRIBLE BOBBIBLE (you might as well call her Bob y'know) personality, like, seriously, she's just not a nice person, do you think Thomas would fall in lowe with her? NO! But if she put in the Love Potion then obviously he would. Even though her character SUCKS, he would. BECAUSE IT'S A LOVE POTION!!!!

And I don't see why any girl would even want to buy a Love Potion because then the guy would like them involuntarily! Because its a Love Potion! It's not his choice! So i don't see why they would want that. Unless they were just pathetically desperate. Yeck.


.. Bob Baby Long. (doesn't mean i'm horrible bobbible)

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